Focused on profits and maximum impact.
We are passionate about supporting the health of people and the planet. We have conducted our first annual SASB analysis and we diligently measure our plans and actions against the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

1. No Poverty
Farm workers deserve living wages and dignity in the workplace. Our farm employees earn 50% greater wages than the average in our community, health benefits, stock options, and paid time off. We bring knowledge-based jobs to rural America and our young employees are buying homes in the community. Learn How.

2. Zero Hunger
Access to fresh, healthy, local food is a must. Our first SmartFarm is the only year-round provider of organic food to schools in upstate New York and we donated over $250,000 worth of food to the community during the COVID pandemic. Learn How.

3. Good Health & Well Being
We grow a wide-range of organic, nutrient-dense plants to feed our community with nutritionally complete meals and to make wholesome plant based products. We farm to regenerate the air, water, and soil.

4. Quality Education
Children must be fed well to learn well. We provide fresh, healthy, organic food to local schools through New York’s farm to school program. We’re also busy inspiring the next generation of farmers with educational tours for all ages, sponsoring college internships, and working with research institutions. Learn How.

5. Gender Equality
Our technology democratizes farming for all genders. We employ women in historically male-dominated fields and pay equal wages to all genders in similar roles. Learn How.

6. Clean Water & Sanitation
Our first farm has a zero water footprint. Zero run-off with chemicals, manure, or nutrients, and we’ve established and protect 20 acres of wetlands.

7. Affordable & Clean Energy
We build our farms with renewable energy assets and operate with advanced efficiency, so we can grow what we grow without using one extra kilowatt of energy than needed.

8. Decent Work & Economic Growth
We are proactively working to improve the local economy in a way that supports all people. We are the only farm we know that publicly supports NY’s new Farm Labor Bill, which grants bargaining rights, workers’ compensation, time off, and overtime pay to farm labor. Learn How.

9. Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure
Our business is built on innovation and responsible technology. Our SmartFarm and SmartGrid infrastructure features patented technology. With one patent issued, three pending, and new innovation in the works. We are trailblazers in the use of automation, AI, machine learning, and data for sustainable agriculture. Learn How.

10. Reduced Inequalities
We welcome all people - regardless of race, politics, gender, religion, or age. We also limit the ratio between the highest and lowest wages paid in our company.

11. Sustainable Cities & Communities
Regenerative farming goes beyond sustainable to restore the environment in our partner communities. Learn How.

12. Responsible Production & Consumption
One of our early investors is a founder of the Circle Economy in the Netherlands. We work throughout the value chain to optimize the use of natural resources and avoid waste. Learn How.

13. Climate Action
Our first SmartFarm offsets 5,300 tons of CO2 per year—the equivalent of taking over 1,000 cars off the road each year. We also make biochar to sequester more carbon in the soil. New York Green Bank is a project lender. Learn How.

14. Life Below Water
Agricultural runoff is a leading source of damage to water and aquatic life on the planet. We farm with zero negative farm runoff.

15. Life on Land
We’ve planted 3,000 trees on our farm and maintain wetlands, grasslands, and scrub. We grow wildflowers and milkweed for wild pollinators and monarchs. Our farm provides habitat for amphibians, migratory birds, and indigenous species. Learn How.

16. Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions
We are passionately and legitimately an impact company - committed to integrity and fair business practices dictated by a strict code of ethics.

17. Partnerships for the Goals
We partner across North America and Europe. At home in New York, we lease land from a neighbor to convert it to organic. We have university and corporate partners in seven states. Further north, we collaborate with a Canadian partner. We are working with European partners to build SmartFarms there. We want every community on the planet that wants a SmartFarm to have one.